Reverse lung damage with this simple action

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, often shortened to COPD, is a disease that can cost thousands to treat and significantly decrease the quality of ones life whilst we struggle with it.

Because of this, one may be dedicated to treating this disease in any way possible. There are house plants that can be introduced into our homes to cleanse the air and improve COPD.

An introduction to COPD:

Though COPD is a term that is usually used to refer to the condition of having chronic bronchitis and emphysema at the same time, it can be used to describe any number of chronic lung diseases. Over time, it causes lung tissue damage that may not be repaired by the body. Take it seriously and catch it whilst we can. We can reverse COPD though simple action.

This is a serious problem in the United States. In fact, COPD is the third most common cause of death in this country.

Emphysema is a disease that destroys the alveoli of the bronchioles. As the alveoli are ruined, there are fewer and fewer air sacs that can be used to transport air into the body and transport carbon dioxide out of the body. In turn, victims experience symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea, and a shortened lifespan.

Chronic bronchitis occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed. When the lining of these tubes is inflamed, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to get rid of phlegm. This may lead to infections, fatigue, and wheezing. Which leads us to the importance of giving up dairy. Dairy is a huge contributor of phlegm on the chest as well as general inflammation, and allergen triggers – the trick is to rid oneself of all trigger points that aggravate the symptoms.

The foods we ought to be eating:

Research in the field of COPD indicates that chronic lung damage can be stopped and even reversed with high doses of vitamin A, also known as beta carotene. They have not yet used this information to create a pharmaceutical medicine for COPD, but that’s okay— one can use this information to improve COPD through natural medicine and self healing through healthy vegan choices. The sooner ones goes vegan, the sooner ones body and mind starts to heal.

There are plenty of vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene, upping their intake offers our body the vitamin A it needs to heal from COPD. Carrots may be the on of the best source of beta-carotene. Other good sources of vitamin A are broccoli, kale, sweet red peppers, and apricots. Juicing every day will help if we have difficulty eating large amounts of these gorgeous vegetables and fruits.

Using plants our our home for COPD:

There are plenty of house plans that one can put up around the home to cleanse the air, making it easier for our body to breath. Experts recommend keeping between 15 and 18 plants for the average 1800 square foot home.

These are some of the most effective plants for air cleansing:

Golden pothos
Peace lily
Florist’s chrysanthemum
Bamboo palm
Rubber plant
Areca palm
Chinese evergreen
English ivy

If you’re ready to use house-plants to improve COPD, ensure how to take care of the soil. Properly turning and maintaining the soil will help avoid mold, which can worsen the state of COPD.

Off course, it goes without saying to mention the importance of giving up smoking. There is already enough pollution from air to lungs, without having to cope with further assault.

In addition, slow gentle exercise, deep breathing, yoga, walking, swimming is deeply beneficial as we begin to heal ourselves and heal the earth.

Published by

Active Vegan

Terminate all humiliation of animals. Go vegan:

2 thoughts on “Reverse lung damage with this simple action”

  1. It is scientifically proven that COPD is progressive. Although you can manage by healthy lifestyle and medication, lung damage is not reversible. If you suffer from COPD, I recommend contacting the British Lung Foundation for genuine support


    1. We have recently heard testimony to many COPD patients who are managing and reversing their symptoms through adaptation of healthy vegan options. Patients who have and, are now personally recording their trials and tribulations, sharing them with the world. Whilst we have not heard of 100% successful cure rates from anyone as yet, we are inspired to see more people documenting their successes of reversal through self healing, and through personal lifestyle changes – together we remain optimistic with them and share both their joy and relief.


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