Reverse lung damage with this simple action

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, often shortened to COPD, is a disease that can cost thousands to treat and significantly decrease the quality of ones life whilst we struggle with it.

Because of this, one may be dedicated to treating this disease in any way possible. There are house plants that can be introduced into our homes to cleanse the air and improve COPD.

An introduction to COPD:

Though COPD is a term that is usually used to refer to the condition of having chronic bronchitis and emphysema at the same time, it can be used to describe any number of chronic lung diseases. Over time, it causes lung tissue damage that may not be repaired by the body. Take it seriously and catch it whilst we can. We can reverse COPD though simple action.

This is a serious problem in the United States. In fact, COPD is the third most common cause of death in this country.

Emphysema is a disease that destroys the alveoli of the bronchioles. As the alveoli are ruined, there are fewer and fewer air sacs that can be used to transport air into the body and transport carbon dioxide out of the body. In turn, victims experience symptoms like fatigue, dyspnea, and a shortened lifespan.

Chronic bronchitis occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed. When the lining of these tubes is inflamed, it becomes more and more difficult for the body to get rid of phlegm. This may lead to infections, fatigue, and wheezing. Which leads us to the importance of giving up dairy. Dairy is a huge contributor of phlegm on the chest as well as general inflammation, and allergen triggers – the trick is to rid oneself of all trigger points that aggravate the symptoms.

The foods we ought to be eating:

Research in the field of COPD indicates that chronic lung damage can be stopped and even reversed with high doses of vitamin A, also known as beta carotene. They have not yet used this information to create a pharmaceutical medicine for COPD, but that’s okay— one can use this information to improve COPD through natural medicine and self healing through healthy vegan choices. The sooner ones goes vegan, the sooner ones body and mind starts to heal.

There are plenty of vegetables that are rich in beta-carotene, upping their intake offers our body the vitamin A it needs to heal from COPD. Carrots may be the on of the best source of beta-carotene. Other good sources of vitamin A are broccoli, kale, sweet red peppers, and apricots. Juicing every day will help if we have difficulty eating large amounts of these gorgeous vegetables and fruits.

Using plants our our home for COPD:

There are plenty of house plans that one can put up around the home to cleanse the air, making it easier for our body to breath. Experts recommend keeping between 15 and 18 plants for the average 1800 square foot home.

These are some of the most effective plants for air cleansing:

Golden pothos
Peace lily
Florist’s chrysanthemum
Bamboo palm
Rubber plant
Areca palm
Chinese evergreen
English ivy

If you’re ready to use house-plants to improve COPD, ensure how to take care of the soil. Properly turning and maintaining the soil will help avoid mold, which can worsen the state of COPD.

Off course, it goes without saying to mention the importance of giving up smoking. There is already enough pollution from air to lungs, without having to cope with further assault.

In addition, slow gentle exercise, deep breathing, yoga, walking, swimming is deeply beneficial as we begin to heal ourselves and heal the earth.

Does dairy cause acne – how do I cure acne?

Yes it is confirmed – dairy does cause acne. The billions of cows that we kill for dairy, unintentionally returning the gesture.

As our dairy consumption has increased over the last 100 years so has the number of people with acne. We now have over 17 million acne sufferers in the U.S alone, costing health care in the States over $1 billion a year. Eighty to ninety percent of teenagers suffer acne to varying degrees. But this is not just prevalent in teens, millions of adults are suffering too

The pimply millions rely on infomercial products hawked by celebrities or over-the-counter lotions, cleansers, and topical remedies. Recent research suggests that it’s not what we slather on our skin that matters most but what we put in our mouth.

Many have suggested a diet-acne link, but until recently it has not been proven in large clinical studies. Instead dermatologists prescribe long-term antibiotics and Accutane, both of which may cause long-term harmful effects. In 2009, a systematic review of 21 observational studies and six clinical trials found clear links. Two large controlled trials found that cow’s milk increased both the number of people who got acne and its severity.

The dietary pimple producing culprit – diary, cause spikes in certain pimple producing hormones. Dairy boosts male sex hormones (various forms of testosterone or androgens), increases insulin levels. One does not need pills to cure acne, the cure is at the end of ones fork.

Nutritional deficiencies as well as consuming dairy worsens acne. Correcting common deficiencies including low levels of healthy omega-3 anti-inflammatory fats, low levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E, zinc, and vitamin A, and including an important anti-inflammatory omega-6 fat called evening primrose oil are helpful in preventing and treating unwanted acne. One can correct and incorporate all of these nutritional elements of ones meal plan through a well balanced healthy vegan diet.

Stay away from dairy and avoid acne:

One scientist referred to milk as a “complex aqueous, suspended fat, liposomal, suspended protein emulsion”. What we do know is that milk is designed to grow ‘things’ – namely, babies – and in the case of cow’s milk, calves. It is naturally full of what we call anabolic hormones.

These are mostly androgens (like testosterone) and growth hormones including insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). There is no such thing as hormone-free milk.

Here’s a short list of the 60-some hormones in an average glass of milk – even the organic, raw, and bovine growth hormone free milk:

  • 20α-dihydropregnenolone
  • progesterone (from pregnenolone)
  • 5α-pregnanedione
  • 5α-pregnan-3β-ol-20-one, 20α- and 20β-dihydroprogesterone (from progesterone)
  • 5α-androstene-3β17β-diol
  • 5α-androstanedione
  • 5α-androstan-3β-ol-17-one
  • androstenedione
  • testosterone
  • dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate acyl ester
  • insulin like growth factors 1 and 2 (IGF-1 and IGF-2)
  • insulin

This is what our governments suggest we drink —at least 3 glasses a day according to the website. Those guidelines have been strongly criticized by many including leading nutrition scientists from Harvard such as Walter Willett and David Ludwig.

The famous Nurse’s Health Study examining health habits of 47,000 nurses found that those who ate dairy as teenagers had much higher rates of severe acne than those who had little or no milk as teenagers. If you think it is the fat in milk, think again.

It was actually the skim milk that had the strongest risk for acne. In other studies of over 10,000 boys and girls from 9 to 15 years old, there was a direct link between the amount of dairy consumed and the severity of acne.

It is not just the anabolic or sex hormones in milk that causes problems but milk’s ability to stimulate insulin production. Drinking a glass of milk and eating dairy spikes insulin levels by 300 percent. Not only does that cause pimples, but it also contribute to prediabetes. This is true despite studies funded by the dairy council showing that milk helps with weight loss.

Recent studies also show that sugar and refined carbs (a high-glycemic diet) cause acne. More importantly, taking sufferes off dairy and sugar and putting them on a healthy vegan diet resulted in significant improvements in acne compared to a control group eating a regular, high-sugar nonvegan diet. In addition to less pimples, the participants lost weight, became more sensitive to the effects of insulin (resulting in less pimple-producing insulin circulating around the blood). We know that women who have too much sugar and insulin resistance get acne, hair growth on their face, hair loss on the head, and infertility. This is caused by high levels of circulating male hormones and is called polycystic ovarian syndrome but is a nutritional, not gynecologic disease.

But the dietary influences don’t stop there. It is not just dairy and sugar, but the bad fats that we eat that also contribute to acne.

So consider getting an Oil Change:

Non vegan diets is full of inflammatory fats – saturated fats, trans fats, too many omega-6, inflammatory, processed vegetable oils like soy and corn oils. These increase IGF-1 and stimulate pimple follicles. Inflammation has been linked to acne, and anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats help improve acne and help with many skin disorders.

Balance the hormones that cause skin problems:

The link is clear – hormonal imbalances caused by ones diet triggers acne. What we put into our mouth influences sex hormones like testosterone, IGF-1, and insulin, which promote acne. The biggest factors affecting hormones is the glycemic load in diets (which is determined by how quickly the food that one eats increases blood sugar and insulin levels), and the dairy products one eats. The great news is that going vegan balances those hormones. Exercise also helps improve insulin function.

How to prevent and treat acne:

1.Stay away from dairy. Milk is nature’s perfect food – but only if you are a calf.

2.Eat natural sugars such as those from fruits.

3.Up fruit and vegetable intake. People who eat more fruit and veg (containing more antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds) have less acne. Make sure to get  5–9 servings of colorful fruits and vegetables every day.

4.Get more healthy anti-inflammatory fats. Make sure to get omega-3 fats and anti-inflammatory omega-6 fats (evening primrose oil).

5.Include foods that correct acne problems. Certain foods have been linked to improvements in many of the underlying causes of acne and can help correct it. These include turmeric, ginger, green tea, nuts, dark purple and red foods such as berries, green foods like dark green leafy vegetables, and omega 3.

6.Antioxidant levels have been shown to be low in acne sufferers. So up antioxidants, also up zinc citrate, as well as vitamin A.

7.Probiotics also help reduce inflammation in the gut that may be linked to acne. Taking naturally fremented probiotics can improve acne – kombucha etc.

8.Avoid foods you are sensitive to. Delayed food allergies are among the most common causes of acne—foods like gluten, dairy, yeast, and eggs are common culprits and can be a problem if you have a leaky gut. More people are sensitive to these culprits but just don’t know it as yet. More than 75% of the world population is actually allergic to dairy and it shows up in more ways than one.

Following these simple tips will help you eliminate acne and have that glowing skin you have always dreamed of. And it’s much cheaper (and safer) than expensive medications and dermatologist visits. Go vegan – watch pimples disappear.

Have you struggled with an acne or skin problem? What seems to be a problem for you?

Why do you think we are encouraged to consume so much dairy when the risks to our health (and our skin) are so high?

What other steps have you taken to fight acne? What has worked? What hasn’t? Please leave your thoughts by adding a comment below –

To your good health – vegan love.

Depression – how to overcome it with lots of vitamin C

Depression is the most frequently searched-for topic.

And no wonder. Those of us that have experienced the depths of depression know just how awful it really is. When you are in the bag, it is hard to think out of the bag. But there is a way out.

Rather than take a synthetic drug to block or mimic the body’s chemical nerve messengers (neurotransmitters), it is possible nutritionally to encourage the body to make its own natural ones.

If we are what we eat, then our nerves also depend on what they are fed. There is tremendous potential for the alleviation of depression and related disorders through natural vegan foods.

A depletion of the neurotransmitter called norepinephrine results in poor memory, loss of alertness, and clinical depression. The chain of chemical events in the body resulting in this substance is:

L-phenylalanine (from protein foods) -> L-tyrosine (made in the liver) -> dopa -> dopamine -> norepinephrine -> epinephrine

This process looks complex but actually is readily accomplished, particularly if the body has plenty of vitamin C. Since one’s dietary supply of the first ingredient, L-phenylalanine, is usually adequate, it is more likely to be a shortage of vitamin C that limits production of norepinephrine. Upping ones natural doses of vitamin C have had striking success in reversing depression. It is a remarkably safe and inexpensive approach to try.

The Vitamin C Dosage for Depression

Depression can rob people of their energy, their sleep, their concentration, their happiness and very constitution.  It all rotates around what we chose to consume and how we chose to conduct our lives. Everything is a mind set. Forget relying on pills – they only have adverse affects and only offer short term solutions with alternative problems, they never offer solutions, which pharmaceutical companies are selling the concept of. Do not buy into the myth – it’s as bad as ‘humane slaughter’.  Go vegan and explore more natural vitamin C options.

Severe Vitamin C Deficiency

One of the most common symptoms of scurvy is depression. Other symptoms are mood changes, fatigue and lethargy. Risk factors for scurvy, or a less severe vitamin C deficiency, are alcoholism or drug abuse, anorexia nervosa, Crohn’s disease and celiac disease. People eating fad diets or who rely on fast food meals with few vegetables and fruits are also at risk.

If you have any of these disorders and are feeling depressed, vitamin C supplementation with natural food will alleviate your depression.

Mild Vitamin C Deficiency

Even moderately low levels of vitamin C have been linked to depression. A study published in the January 2011 issue of the “American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry” found that low levels of vitamin C were correlated with both depression and higher mortality rates. While correlation does not establish causality, these results suggest that it is prudent for not only older people, but everyone of all ages to include more citrus fruits, lightly cooked green vegetables and salads in their diets.

Vitamin C and Neurotransmitters

The link between vitamin C deficiency and depression may be caused by lower neurotransmitter levels. According to an August 2003 article in “Nutrition Journal,” vitamin C works together with the enzyme dopamine-beta-hydroxylase to convert dopamine into norepinephrine, which plays an important role in the regulation of mood.


It has been noted that more than 30% of humans who up their vitamin C will improve.  Nevertheless, it may make an important difference for particular individuals, especially if they have low levels of this nutrient.

If you are under stress, research published in the April 1998 issue of the “Journal of General Psychology” suggests that you may want to add vitamin-C-rich foods  to your diet.

Other Signs of Dangerously Low Levels of Vitamin C

The body gives several warning signs when vitamin C deficiency has reached dangerous levels. Paying attention to these sings could save your life.

  • Bleeding gums, gingivitis or loose teeth. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen which builds and maintains tissue.
  • Lack of energy or depression. People with vitamin C deficiency may lose weight and suffer extreme fatigue. Depression is common.
  • Mood swings. Irritability and rapid changes in mood may indicate a severe deficiency.
  • Chronic joint pain. Serious deficiencies will lead to bleeding in the joints causing constant pain.
  • Suppressed immune system. People who seem to be sick all the time are often lacking in immune-boosting vitamin C.
  • Slow wound healing and bruising. Without adequate vitamin C bruising occurs easily and wounds take a long time to heal.

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required by the body for the development and maintenance of scar tissue, blood vessels, and cartilage. Vitamin C is also necessary for creating ATP, dopamine, peptide hormones, and tyrosine. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps lessen oxidative stress to the body and is thought to lower cancer risk. High vitamin C foods include bell peppers, dark leafy greens, kiwis, broccoli, berries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, peas, and papaya.

Expel unwanted parasites from our body with papaya seeds – all vegan

Are papaya seeds safe to eat? Off course they are! They are healthy for us. Many simply throw them away not knowing that they are actually highly beneficial for us in expelling hundreds of unwanted parasites from within our bodies – read on.

Scientific names: Carica papaya
Common names: Papaya is also known as pawpaw and melon tree.

Papaya, a tropical plant believed to have originated in southern Mexico and Central America, is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. C. papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable.

While most people throw papaya seeds away, small amounts of them in our diet are surprisingly good for health. Seeds seem to have more potent medicinal values than the flesh. Papaya seeds have recently caught the attention as a potential health food.

– Papaya seeds eliminate intestinal parasites.
– Papaya seeds help detoxify the liver.
– Papaya seeds protect the kidneys from toxin-induced kidney failure.
– Papaya seeds have antibacterial properties and are effective against E.coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus infections.

Keep in mind though that chewing papaya seeds is not like eating papaya fruit. They have a strong flavour, more like a cross between mustard and black peppercorns.

Papaya seeds, worms and other parasitic infections:

Like green papaya, the seeds contain high levels of proteolytic enzymes like papain which help rid your body of parasites.

Good levels of digestive enzymes in your diet are also believed to help normalize the environment in your intestinal tract, making it less hospitable to worms and other parasites.

The seeds from papaya also contain a unique anthelmintic alkaloid called carpaine that has been shown to be very effective at killing parasitic worms and amoebas.

And finally, papaya seeds contain high levels of oleic and palmitic acids. Both are help protect our body against cancer.

Papaya seeds as a treatment for liver cirrhosis:

Papaya seeds are often reported as an effective treatment for liver cirrhosis. One method is to grind up around five dried seeds in a pepper grinder, or crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle, and mix them with a tablespoon of fresh lime juice. Many cirrhosis sufferers have had dramatic improvements with this powerful natural remedy.

Even for people without such obvious liver damage, a small amount of pawpaw seeds taken regularly helps with liver detoxification.

Prevent or possibly even treat food poisoning:

The seeds of papaya have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect on digestive system. An extract made from them is effective at killing E coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus and other dangerous bacterial infections.

You can eat papaya seeds by treating them as a supplement and eating them whole, or you could grind the seeds up and use them when you would usually use pepper since the two tastes are fairly similar.

You don’t need many seeds at a time. After you scrape them out of a fresh fruit, it’s best to keep them in a sealed container in a fridge if you’re using them regularly, or in the freezer if only occasionally (when kept frozen, papaya seeds can retain their nutritional value for 6 to 12 months).

How to prepare dried papaya seeds:

– Get a ripe yellow or orange papaya, depends on the variety.
– Cut papaya in half lengthwise.
– Remove papaya seeds using a spoon.
– Sun or air dry the seeds for powdering/chunks.
– Prepare a thick glass or something else for rolling to powder, thick chopping board (wood preferred), and wax paper for easy gathering of papaya seeds.
– Powder or break the seeds to chunks by carefully rolling the glass over the seeds. Gather the seeds and store it for use.
Best added on your meal, soup and drinks.

Smaller papayas tend to have seeds with a milder taste, while the seeds of a large papaya tend to be more bitter. So, better choose a small papaya for a start. Chew directly on a few seeds. Papaya seeds can be eaten whole, but for the first week or so, only chew on one or two papaya seeds a day.

Over the second week, gradually work up to 1/4 tsp (1.25 ml), then to 1/2 tsp (2.5 ml), and finally to a full 1 tsp (5 ml) daily. Make things even easier on your digestive system by taking the papaya seeds with a meal heavy in protein. Doing so will make it easier to get the maximum amount of benefits from the proteolytic enzymes in the seeds, thereby improving your digestive health.

Crushed papaya seeds work well as a substitute for black pepper and can be used in equal proportions.

papaya plant

The beautiful papaya plant.

General uses of papaya:
According to the WHO, paw paw seeds are also good for alleviating constipation (crush dried seeds, mix with half teaspoon of water). – Although you should not have this problem if you are already vegan.

Papaya enzyme side effects and warnings:

While there are many benefits to eating papaya fruit, there are also a few potential papaya enzyme side effects and warnings to be aware of. This is particularly the case with regards to the green unripen fruit, papaya seeds and papain enzyme digestive supplements.

Green papaya salad, seeds of papaya, as well as supplements containing papain enzyme are best avoided by pregnant women. This warning does not extend to a fully ripe fresh fruit with no green on it. These papaya fruit contain much lower levels of papain and are generally considered very healthy for pregnant women.

Papaya seeds, green papaya and other potent sources of papaya enzymes may interfere with a woman’s menstrual cycle if taken in large and regular doses. Papain suppresses progesterone, a hormone needed to prepare the uterus for conception and maintain pregnancy. Another possibility is that papain may break down a membrane vital to the development of the foetus.

Some sources advise against using papaya enzymes, unripe papaya or even the ripe fruit during breast feeding.

Papaya seeds in particular can effect male fertility and have been traditionally used as a form of birth control for men.

The papain enzyme may increase the blood thinning effects of medications such as Warfarin and other anticoagulants, including daily aspirin taken for this purpose. As such it is not recommended for use at the same time as a course of these drugs. It is best not to take papain for several days before major surgery for the same reason.

People with blood clotting disorders, such as thrombosis and hemophilia, are also advised to avoid papain and green papaya.

Papaya and especially the green fruit high in enzymes should be avoided by anyone with a latex allergy. Papaya allergies are rare, but people who experience allergic reactions to papaw may also have an adverse reaction to pineapples, avocados, bananas, figs, kiwi fruit, melons and possibly other tropical fruit as well and should use any of these with caution and watch for symptoms.

There are parts of the plant (eg, seeds) that contain benzyl isothiocyanate, which may cause poisoning at high doses.

Safety notes: This website is not medical advice, and please check with your vegan physician before using plants if you are pregnant, using medications, are not vegan, or have other health conditions.

At any rate – the best way to stay healthy from as few parasites as possible is to refrain from eating carcass, processed foods and other undesirables. Going vegan is your best bet to health. Go vegan, stay vegan, and keep your body as pure, natural and healthy as you possibly can. Vegan love.

Cold sores – how to get rid of them.

I had always suffered from ‘cold sores’ from a very young age and vividly remember getting them for the very first time at around the age of five when I accidentally got myself sunburnt. Oddly enough and quite coincidentally when I went vegan six years ago – the virus became suppressed never rearing it’s ugly head until recently. The only cause and connection that I can logically find for this must have something to do with the severe injury and fracture to my bone, experienced three weeks ago when shattered with glass. A severe shock to my system, the ‘good soldiers’ came out to play – focusing on healing the wound, leaving my immune somewhat depressed. I should have immediately upped my vegan meal plan to 80% raw in order to give those soldiers an additional back up army! Up your raw vegan food intake – give your body the boost it deserves!

Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus. There are two types, called type 1 and type 2. Either type can be caught on any part of the body: lips and genitals are the most common places. This note is about facial sores – which can also be called fever blisters, facial herpes or herpes labialis.

On the face, herpes simplex type 1 is more likely to recur than type 2. So if you are getting repeated cold sores, then you probably have herpes simplex type 1.

You catch cold sores by being kissed by someone who has an active facial cold sore. This might have happened just the other day – or maybe when you were a child, perhaps by being kissed by a relative.

Oral sex is a common way of passing on cold sores from one person’s mouth to another person’s genitals (genital herpes) – or vice versa.

Sometimes it will be caught on ordinary skin such as the hand or finger, if you kiss an area where there is sore or broken skin which can allow entry.

Cold sores are only caught by direct skin contact with the affected area, not through sharing cups, cutlery, towels, etc. Experts are clear about this, though you may see the opposite being stated on the internet or in leaflets from others.

You cannot give cold sores to someone who already gets them.

Sometimes, when you first catch cold sores, you can have ulcers inside the mouth and throat as well as, or instead of, the usual sores on the lip. You may have a fever and other flu-like symptoms.

Cold sores are very common. In Britain, about seven in ten people have caught the virus that causes them. However, most don’t know, as only one in five will notice any symptoms. Whichever herpes simplex type you have, you could catch the other type in the same place or elsewhere. Infection with a second type often goes unnoticed and symptoms may be very mild. This is because the antibodies that have developed to fight the first virus also help control the other one.

What are cold sores like?

  • First a small red patch appears
  • A blister or cluster of blisters develops.
  • The blister bursts, leaving a raw area.
  • The raw area begins to heal and scab.
  • Scabs may crack when you move your mouth and this will delay healing. Try to keep the skin moisturised.
  • Do not pick at the scab – this will delay healing.
  • Wash your hands before and after applying cream.
  • The sore will heal itself without scarring, usually in about 7-10 days.

The virus hides in a nearby nerve and can sometimes reappear later on.

Other herpes viruses also hide away and may recur; for example, chickenpox/shingles and glandular fever, but they do not cause cold sores.

If you caught your cold sore on your lips, it can recur anywhere on your face. It will not reappear elsewhere on your body. Your immune system will prevent you from spreading it (or catching it again) on another area.

You may feel an itch, tingle or shooting pain first. Repeat cold sores are usually much milder than the first ones.

Triggers vary from person to person: try to find out what causes your outbreaks so that you can try to prevent them.

Common reasons for recurrences are illness, stress, tiredness, being run down, menstruation, too much alcohol or ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun or sunbeds.

A healthy lifestyle can help to keep your immune system in good shape and make cold sores less likely. Avoid any triggers you have identified, and:

  • Get enough sleep.
  • Improve your diet.
  • If sunlight or sun-beds trigger your outbreaks, use a good quality sun block, especially on the lips.

Some people with cold sores have said that applying a wrapped ice pack to the area for 90 minutes prevents the outbreak, but take care not to cause frostbite. (This idea has not been medically tested.)

Using cream with lemon balm mint extract (melissa officinalis) early on has been shown to prevent outbreaks. This plant contains molecules which prevent the virus from getting into the skin cells.

Some peole with cold sores on the face have told us that these ideas helped them – but they have not been medically tested:

  • Cold used tea-bags applied hourly can help.
  • Geranium oil, tea tree oil – diluted – and lavender oil – will soothe.
  • Keep the skin soft and moist with an unscented product.

In rare cases, a facial cold sore may affect one eye (not both). This will be a recurrence, after a previous cold sore infection. If one eye is tingling and sore or red, a GP or an optician can check if the cause is herpes simplex virus. If it is, you may be referred to a specialist eye hospital.

A few unlucky people get them too often.  People with areas of broken skin (like eczema) should be careful during their first infection as sores may spread over the area of broken skin.

Newborn babies should not be exposed to cold sore virus – if you get cold sores, don’t kiss babies!

Ignore advertising campaigns designed to stigmatise people with cold sores. Making people feel ashamed, embarrassed or fearful is a common advertising tactic to encourage sales of treatments.  First and foremost, if you are not already vegan  – go vegan, increase your intake of raw. Up your greens, up all your fruits and veg.  The most efficient way of boosting your immune system is through a fully raw vegan meal plan.  If you’re getting blisters – this could the first sign that your body is giving to you to let you know that your carotenoid levels are way down, so boost up your antioxidant levels and get your system back to it’s healthy alkaline state.  Consider citrus, mango, peppers, onion, garlic and ginger – lots of raw salad and plenty of green juice!

Dementia and alzheimer’s – how to avoid it.

Dementia is a group of symptoms. Dementia isn’t a disease. It’s a group of symptoms that affect mental tasks like memory and reasoning. Dementia can be caused by a variety of conditions, the most common of which is Alzheimer’s disease.

Face blindness, can’t read clocks, loss of sense of time, erratic sleeping, loss of dexterity, can’t dress, can’t do buttons up, getting lost are all symptoms of dementia. This happens to millions and millions of people around the world today. It’s a tragedy of silent holocaustic proportions that has become accepted as normal and natural and that we can’t do anything about it as there is no cure for it – at least that is what the big pharma control media would have you believe.

5.4 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and another 16 million – husbands, wives, children, and friends are care givers.  One in eight seniors have it  — and it’s the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. As rates go up, so too does the concern about our ability to care for growing numbers of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Until a cure for Alzheimer’s is discovered, researchers emphasize precautions younger people can take now that may ward off or delay the chance of developing the disorder. From staying active to eating a healthy diet to just being social, there are a number of moves you can make to minimize your Alzheimer’s and dementia risk. But the right foods will help you prevent it – vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, the same foods that help fight diabetes and heart disease will also keep your brain strong and memory sharp. Eat right to fight Alzheimer’s.

Help exercise your right to a healthy mind – depressions, smoking and weight gain have also been linked to the development of dementia. Staying fit and in shape has been shown to improve depression symptoms, help you stop smoking and slow down weight gain – so start walking, running, swimming, cycling, or hit that gym!

Food for thought – your brain is affected by what you eat – so stick to a vegan diet rich in healthy protein and healthy fats, and rich in omega 3’s and antioxidants to protect your gray matter.

Learn something new – keep yourself stimulated by challenging yourself with learning something new every day. Keep your brain active by multitasking, organising, interacting, communicating. Learn a new language, learn to play a musical instrument, read more, challenge yourself to memorization games, crossword puzzles etc.

Some top super foods that help fight dementia and alzheimer’s:

Coconut oil – coconut oil is loaded with MCT’s (medium chain triglycerides), from which the body makes ketones. Ketones are helpful as back up fuel for brain cells – use pure virgin, organic, coconut oil.

Blue berries and other dark berries. (antioxidant’s)

Ginger. (antioxidant’s)

Green tea. (antioxidant’s)

Colourful fruits and vegetables.


Beans. (B – complex)

Green peas. (B – complex)

Oranges. (C)

Limes. (C)

Lemons. (C)

Sweet peppers. (C)

Strawberries. (C)

Cantaloupes. (C)

Tomato. (C)

Broccoli. (C)

Whole grains.


Sweet potato.

Flax seeds.

Leafy greens.

Avocado. (E)

Nuts – particularly almonds and walnuts. (E)

Spinach (antioxidants, A, K, folic acid, iron)

Sunshine – (D)

The foods that you eat have a lot to do with keeping your brain ‘young’, alive and alert – the best way to do that is through a well balanced vegan diet – eat from your rainbow. Avoid dementia, avoid alzheimer’s, keep your body clean, live long, love life. Go vegan. Preventative natural medicine is always recommended before finding a cure.

Vegan Chef On The Run

Remedies for Hot Flashes

Stop suffering from the effects of hot flashes. There are many great natural remedies to help restore hormonal balance.  Here are some remedies for hot flashes:


A traditionally-used plant of the native people of Peru as far back as 3800 BC, maca is a root that provides a tonic for the whole endocrine system of the body, thereby helping to balance hormones, restore depleted glands, and improving the body’s ability to cope with stresses of all kinds, including hormonal changes. Most women who’ve used maca notice a significant drop in hot flashes. Dosage varies from product to product so it’s best to follow package instructions and choose certified organic as much as possible. Available in powder from sources such as ‘superfoods’. Very effective to take as a booster with your smoothies.

Black Cohosh:

Black cohosh is a herb that has been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years to treat hormonal imbalances linked to menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. Today, herbalists use the herb or its extract to treat a wide variety of hormonally-linked symptoms, including:  hot flashes, irritability, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness.  A typical dose is two to three cups of tea daily, one teaspoon of extract two to three times daily, or in capsule form (follow package instructions).

Clary Sage Essential Oil:

Due to oestrogen-like properties, clary sage essential oil can help balance hormones in both menstruating and menopausal women. It may decrease excessive menstruation, lactation, and alleviate menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. The most direct route affect hormones in the brain is through inhalation; however, diluting sage essential oil diluted in a massage oil like sweet almond or grapeseed and massaging it onto the abdomen can also be beneficial.

Aromatherapy Blend:

To deal with hot flashes that just aren’t responding to the more common remedies, you can blend together 8 drops of each:  basil, bay laurel, peppermint, clary sage, and star anise together in 50 ml of a carrier oil like sweet almond oil, and blend together. Rub a few drops of this remedy on the insides of your wrists or arms whenever you are having hot flashes up to three times daily,  it tends to work within a few days for most people.

Vitamin C:

Hot flashes can also be a sign that your adrenal glands (two triangular-shaped glands that sit on top of the kidneys and help our bodies cope with all sorts of stresses) are overwhelmed. Give them a boost by deep breathing, cutting back on caffeine, and upping your vitamin C intake. The adrenal glands use more vitamin C than any other organ or gland in the body. Vitamin C is essential to manufacture adrenal gland hormones. With regard to hot flashes, vitamin C takes some time to help rebuild the adrenal glands so you’ll most likely notice improvement over time.


Ginseng also helps boost the adrenal glands, thereby helping with hot flashes over time.

Red Clover:

Because hot flashes can be a sign of oestrogen imbalances, the herb red clover can sometimes help restore balance. Red clover contains natural oestrogenic substances known as isoflavones that can help boost low levels of oestrogen in the body. A typical dose is 2 to 3 cups of red clover tea daily.


Isoflavones have been shown in studies to lessen the difficult symptoms many women face during the menopausal years, particularly hot flashes. In addition to red clover, you can also obtain more isoflavones in your diet by drinking 1 to 2 cups of organic soy milk daily and eating MSG-free miso soup three to four times per week. Many restaurants claim their miso soup is free of MSG, but they may still be using ingredients such as chicken base or soy sauce that contain the harmful ingredient. When eating soy, be sure to choose one that is organic and guaranteed to be free of genetically-modified (GM) ingredients. Or, stick with red clover or chickpeas instead if you want to avoid soy.

Women have found many Western herbs effective in treating hot flashes over the centuries. They include ginseng, evening primrose oil, hops, licorice root, red raspberry leaves, sage, spearmint, damiana, motherwort, chasteberry (also known as Vitex), black cohosh, and wild yam.

These herbal remedies can be very effective at reducing hot flashes but their relative safety in women who have had breast cancer is not completely known.  Please use herbal medicine with great caution, always have an herbalist or naturopath’s advice, and let your oncologist know what you plan to do.

Do also up your intake of cruciferous vegetables, as well as your dark leafy greens, and ditch the dairy, meat and eggs.

~ Active Vegan ~

Kidney cleansing

The importance of maintaining a healthy, clean kidney cannot be overemphasized. Healthy kidneys are essential to a variety of body functions. Your kidneys help detoxify your blood by removing toxic compounds and passing them out through the urine. If blood cleansing becomes impeded, toxins can remain and circulate throughout the body to cause harm.

We do not support diets, and ‘fads’. Going vegan shall keep your body as healthy as it can possibly be, and with good variety of plant based sources, including the below listed ingredients, shall naturally supports your kidneys, and will help keep them functioning at their best.

The Function of the Kidneys:

Healthy kidneys help manage body fluid stability by regulating the balance of sodium and water. The kidneys also manage the balance between alkalinity and acidity, and they regulate the hormones and enzymes responsible for controlling blood pressure. In addition, as mentioned previously, your kidneys help filter out toxins that build up in response to diet and the environment. The imbalance of body water caused by toxic kidneys has been linked to negative emotional states, such as stress, paranoia, uncontrolled muscle shaking, general feelings of insecurity and fear, and even panics attacks. Kidney cleansing helps promote the optimal function of the kidneys. When in optimal health, your kidneys can purify your blood up to 60 times per day.

Teas That Cleanse the Kidneys:

There are many teas that you can brew yourself that will help cleanse your kidneys.

Dandelion root removes excess water from the body by stimulating urine production. Dandelion root tea can be made by boiling 1 to 2 tsp of organic roasted dandelion root in 8 ounces of pure water.

Ginger root and turmeric tea can be made by boiling a few dashes of turmeric powder with peeled ginger root. If consumed after lunch and dinner, the tea not only flushes toxins from the kidneys but also helps with digestion.

Cleansing with Fruits and Vegetables:

You can also find many organic fruits that will help your body with kidney cleansing.  Juice cleanses are all the rage, and with good reason. A juice cleanse combines the nutritional power of fruits and vegetables into one, easy-to-drink beverage. The juice of vegetables and fruits is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients necessary for facilitating the removal of toxins. This helps take the strain off the liver, colon, and kidneys. Vegetables like celery, cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, carrots, kale, and spinach are great for juicing. For fruits, try apples, peeled oranges, pears, pineapple, and peaches.

Organic grapes can be eaten raw to provide nutrients and antioxidants that support detoxification. Grapes help flush uric acid and other waste products from the kidneys.

Organic cranberries provide us with quinine, a compound that is sent to the liver. Hippuric acid, which is converted from quinine, helps remove urea and uric acid from the kidneys and urinary tract. It also helps discourage bacteria from attaching to urinary tract walls. Cranberry juice is a great kidney supporter.  Cranberry juice has been touted for years as supporter for the urinary tract. Research shows that cranberries can help fight against urinary tract infections, possibly by decreasing the adhesion of bacteria to the bladder and urethra. Cranberries may also be helpful for cleansing the kidneys of excess calcium oxalate, one of the main contributors to kidney stones. When purchasing cranberry juice, always choose varieties that are certified organic and free of added sugars, preservatives, or artificial flavours; or, get a juicer and make your own.

Organic apples are one of the best natural foods you can eat, and they also support natural cleansing.

Beet juice is another great addition to help you cleanse your entire body.  Beets and beet juice contain betaine, a very beneficial phytochemical. It has antioxidant qualities and increases the acidity of urine. This can help clear calcium phosphate and struvite buildup from the kidneys. The removal of calcium in the kidneys not only promotes kidney function, but decreases the likelihood of kidney stones.

Naturally acidic, lemon juice has been shown to increase citrate levels in the urine, a factor that discourages kidney stones from forming. For a quick lemon kidney cleanse, squeeze 4-5 lemons into a quart of cold water and drink up. Or, for a warming beverage, squeeze one quarter to one half a lemon into 8 ounces of hot water daily.

There are also several organic cleansing vegetables that are readily available in almost every grocery store.

Garlic is a natural diuretic that helps stimulate urine production and flush out the kidneys.

Cucumbers also work as a natural diuretic and can help dissolve kidney and bladder stones.

Sprouts help flush out the kidneys because they contain so much water.

Onions have been reputed to help people pass kidney stones. The onions are boiled, then liquefied in a blender along with the water they were cooked in. Raw onion is also great in juices in small amounts.

Kidney beans, soybeans, and peas contain a vital amino acid called arginine that helps cleanse the kidneys of ammonia.

A General Rule of Thumb:

Eating pure, whole, and raw foods will provide the necessary support for your kidneys as well as every other detoxifying organ in your body. Most raw leafy greens, low-sugar fruits (think berries), and nuts and seeds can support your health in numerous ways, not just for cleansing. Also, it is imperative that you drink enough pure, filtered water every day in order to provide an easier route for toxins to evacuate your kidneys. You can use distilled water for this purpose; simply add 1 tbsp. of raw apple cider vinegar to an 8-ounce glass to give it an extra boost.

The kidneys are our organs that filter out toxins and waste from the bloodstream. Because toxins can affect your entire body, there is no question that supporting your kidneys is crucial for keeping your overall health in check. Without a balanced diet, purified drinking water, and body cleansing, toxins can build up and affect the function of the kidneys, liver, and neighbouring organs, and may even lead to kidney stones and other problems. Cleansing the kidneys is a simple process and most cleanses don’t require an exhaustive supply of tools or ingredients to work. In fact, just drinking plenty of purified water is the first step toward an effective flush. Water, however, only provides hydration. So do give your kidney that extra added boost by eliminating all animal ‘products’ from your plates, and filling up your shopping carts with a variety of organic plant based foods.

Have you cleansed your kidneys? What process did you use? Leave a comment below and share your experience!

~ Active Vegan ~


What Do Eye Exercises Involve?

As we age, it’s inevitable that our eyes get weaker. Our eyesight starts to deteriorate at birth; the vision of a 2-year-old child is better than that of an 8-year-old and so on. Preserve your vision with eye-strengthening exercises. Just like the rest of your body, keeping your eyes in tip-top shape requires regular exercise.

At the age of 80, approximately half of people have impaired vision.

Eye exercises are designed to strengthen the eye muscles, improve focusing, eye movements, and stimulate the vision center of the brain. Through a series of progressive therapeutic exercises, you can be instructed on how to control your eye muscles and to see properly.

The eye exercises prescribed are usually unique to the patient and vary depending on the patient’s age and other existing eye problems. Examples of different types of eye exercises include changing focus of both eyes from near to far and back to near, switching as each distance becomes clear; covering one eye with one hand and looking at different objects continuously instead of staring at just one object; concentrating the eye on a solitary object; or having the eye follow a pattern in order to build vision muscles.

In a little more detail.


Blinking is an often overlooked yet simple way to keep your eyes fresh and being able to focus longer. Computer users and television watchers tend to blink less, especially when they are intently focused on something. Try it just now as a simple exercise. For the next two minutes blink every 3 – 4 seconds. After you have done this for two minutes, mentally take note of how your eyes feel, are they strained, relaxed, tired. Now try and not blink for 30 seconds at a time for two minutes. Do you feel any difference?
Whenever you blink your eyes are going into a brief period of darkness which helps to keep your eyes fresh and discharges previous information ready for new information, this helps to reduce eye strain.
Your blink rate can also help with your communication skills. Think about someone who looked at you intently and you possibly felt threatened by them. What you may have missed is the fact that they had stopped blinking. When someone stops blinking and stares at you when you are talking it’s a sign of aggression. However whenever you are talking to someone and they are blinking at a 3 -4 second interval it’s a sign of a relaxed and friendly listener. Check out people’s blink rates the next time you are talking. Check out this article for more info Dramatically improve your eye contact skills


This is done to relieve stress around the eyes and as a way to relax your eyes whilst taking a computer break.
Instructions for palming
1. Take a few deep breathes before you begin.
2. Make yourself comfortable whilst leaning forward on a desk or with your elbows resting on your knees. Close your eyes.
3. Place your two hands over your eyes with the cup of your palm covering your eyes, your fingers on your forehead and the heel of your hand will rest on your cheekbone. Make sure you can blink freely and you are not putting too much pressure on your eyes.
That’s it. Palming gives you the opportunity to rest your mind and your eyes for a few minutes at a time. It may not sound much of an exercise but it can make a big difference in your working day if you stop for a few minutes and do this exercise.

3.Figure of eight

This is to exercise your eye muscles and increase their flexibility. This is quite a simple exercise but a good one.
Imagine a giant figure of eight in front of you about 10 feet in front of you. Now turn the 8 on it’s side. Now trace the figure of eight with your eyes, slowly. Do it one way for a few minutes and then do it the other way for a few minutes. It may seem very alien at first but it’s worth persevering with it.

4.Near and far focussing

This is one of my favourite exercises as you can do it almost anywhere, I say almost as I couldn’t imagine doing it on the underground without getting strange looks from those around me.
Instructions for Near and far focussing.
Sit in a comfortable position, or stand, this will only take 2-3 minutes at a time.
Put your thumb about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it.
Now focus on something else about 10 – 20 feet in front of you.
On each deep breath switch between focussing on your thumb and the 10-20 feet object in front of you.
This will strengthen the muscles in your eyes over time and improve your vision overall.


This is another one of my favourites as it is very easy and quick to do.
Instructions for zooming
Sit in a comfortable position
Stretch out your arm with your thumb in the hitchhike position
Focus on your thumb as your arm is outstretched.
Now bring your thumb closer to you, focussing all the time, until your thumb is about 3 inches in front of your face.
Now move your thumb away again until your arm is fully outstretched.
Do this for a few minutes at a time throughout the day.
This exercise will strengthen your focussing skills and your eye muscles in general.

Eat lot’s of fruits and vegetables. Dark Leafy Greens, carrots and sweet potatoes, berries and bell peppers, avocados, soybeans – go vegan for optimum health and well being.